Hand washing education and learning fluorescence detector 

Fluorescence detector for hand-washing cleanliness


» » Fluorescence detector for hand-washing cleanliness


➥ Principle: Using the spectrum to excite a specific medium will produce a different visible spectrum. Simulating the way bacteria attach to your hands can understand and improve the way you wash your hands.


➥ Steps:
1. Place a proper amount of [hand detection gel] into the palm of one hand and spread over both hands completely as if applying liquid soap.
2. Place hands under a fluorescence detector to view "glowing germs" (blue-white light) that emitted by [hand detection gel] before hand washing. (Any non-luminous area may still contain harmful germs.)
3. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water. Check hands under a fluorescence detector to show areas not wash properly, paying special attention to thumbs, areas around nails and between fingers.
4. If you clean most of "glowing germs" on your hands, it means you wash your hands correctly.
5. If you're not clean most of "glowing germs" on your hands, please wash hands again with soap and water (maybe using brush), and then check it again.


➥ Hand Washing Technique:

  • 1、Wet hands with water, and apply soap to cover hand surfaces
  • 2、Wash your palms
  • 3、Wash the back of both hands
  • 4、Wash the gaps between your fingers
  • 5、Wash both sides of fingers on palms

  • 6、Wash both thumbs  
    7、Wash fingertips and nail seams
    8、Wash both wrists

  • 9、Rinse hands with water and dry with a single use towel


    ➥ The WHO guidelines on "Hand Hygiene in Healthcare" describe five key situations where hand washing is required (the 5 moments for hand hygiene):
    1、Before touching a patient
    2、After touching a patient
    3、Before clean/aseptic procedures,
    4、After body fluid exposure/risk
    5、Whenever hands are dirty or contaminated
