Gram negative Detection Kit 


The Gram negative detection kit is a presumptive screen intended for the rapid detection of Gram negative bacteria from a swab sample using the handheld fluorometer. Fluorometer utilizes a fluorogenic substrate which, when hydrolyzed by a specific enzyme (during peptide hydrolysis), produces a fluorescence which is read by the fluorometer (ex/em =360nm/460nm).


This simple and rapid test checks for gram negative bacteria that might have grown out during Flexible endoscopes storage. Utilizing a unique enzyme detection method, the easy to read fluorometer checks for possible colony formation by reading telltale fluorescence in the recaptured water. If the fluorometer reading is positive for gram negative bacteria (which includes organisms such as E.Coli) reprocess the endoscope prior to use.


➥ Samples: Surface sample collected by swab.


➥ Assay Performance:
● Rapid (30-min test plus incubation time), convenient, and sensitive. (Semi-quantitative if calibrated by user.)
● Highly portable field kit using handheld fluorometer for measurement.
● Sensitivity: 100 cfu/sampling after 8 hours of Incubation. 1 cfu/sampling after 10 hours of incubation.
● Can be applied for food surface, food-processing facility surface, or human/animal surface.


➥ Shipping and storage: The kit is shipped at room temperature. Store the reagents at 4°C. Shelf life: 12 months.


➠ See the detailed information: Gram Negative Detection Field Kit for Surface