360 Degrees - 3D Smart Multi-Camera


➥ Up to 6x 42 Megapixel (6 cameras)

» for UAV, Security, Robotics, Street-View-Mapping, Machine-Vision, Medical, Handheld-Devices, Life-Science, Broadcasting, TV Cinema, Defense, VR/AR, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, IoT, lensfreemicroscopy, and many more…


» Custom hardware, camera and software solution.

» Mobile, compact and leightweight NVIDIA JetsonTX1 supercomputer board with up to 6x 42 MP cameras, many interfaces and big data memory. Fast and reliable direct connection by MIPI CSI-2 (2 lanes) interface.


※ Click me to see the detailed specification


Note: We also provide the 2D model,click me to see the details.